
The territory of the Vizzero

Located at the extreme western border of the province of Bologna, in the Municipality of Granaglione, close to Tuscany It is 70 km far from Bologna and 27 Km from Pistoia Its geographical configuration places it at 780 meters on sea level with a southern exposure. It has a mild and healthy climate and pure sources, surrounded by forests of chestnut and fir-trees.
Its inhabitants knew how to preserve healthy and genuine habits which distinguish the mountaineers, as well as the safeguard of the environment.
You can reach Vizzero through the Porrettana Road with a detour near Pracchia (Pistoia), where is the Railway station.
Trekkers can reach Vizzero from Pracchia through Setteponti in about twenty minutes.
The path winds through an old trail surrounded by chestnut woods.
There are no sources of work at Vizzero.
The inhabitants develop their activities in the area nearby.
Formerly there were two active mills in the sorroundings as well as a carpenter, two shoemakers and a few masons.
Prevailing activities were agriculture, sheep farming and wood cutting.
After sowing and chestnut harvesting, people used to migrate to Maremma in Tuscany and marshes in Sardinia
Those workers would come back home in the following spring.
Until 50s, in those surroundings they worked "natural ice" which would be brought and sold down the valley. Mostly women and children would do that job.
As in most villages of Appennines Mountains, there was a strong migratory movement which made Vizzero pass from 491 inhabitants in 1951 to 47 in 1982.
In spite of this high decrease, inhabitants did not loose their courage and undertook all efforts in order to have their country revive.
What seemed a ruin, and somehow it was, allowed to keep the natural heritage undamaged.
Today Vizzero does not know the urban overbuilding and the noise of traffic, you can breath pure and clean air.
The village is built on the sunny side of the mountain and is surrounded by centennial chestnut trees.
The climate is dry.
In the village there are springs of fresh water.
The neighbouring hamlets are peaceful, characteristic and incontaminate and easily become tourist destinations.
The pleasant place of the village allows quite interesting excursions, and during summer many parties and festivals are organized in order to keep traditions alive.

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